Content Distributor & Movie Producer commends Tinubu for righting ills in Nollywood

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Managing Director/ Chief Executive Officer of BTA Investment AND CO-C.E.O of NOLLYWWOOD AFRICA TV, Mr Blessing Tunde Agofure have commended President Bola Ahmed Tinubu for correcting some of the ills ..

Managing Director/ Chief Executive Officer of BTA Investment AND CO-C.E.O of NOLLYWWOOD AFRICA TV, Mr Blessing Tunde Agofure have commended President Bola Ahmed Tinubu for correcting some of the ills in the movie industry.


Agofure said that the last administration had politicians heading Movie agencies, but they are glad with the changes the president is making currently.that it is beginning to  yield result and we can see some exciting changes where practitioners are now heading most of the agencies.

“There have been a push for more diversity and representation in movies, both in terms of casting and storytelling. This has led to a greater variety of voices being heard in the industry.


‘Overall, these changes have transformed the movie industry, creating new opportunities for filmmakers and audiences alike. However, they have also raised challenges and uncertainties for the future of the industry.

He urged the president to provide infrastructure for the movie industry. Actually, we as practitioners are the one creating all the infrastructure we use to work with.


“There is no government presence, when you talk about infrastructures for the movie industry,that practitioners can say they can leveraged on. The movie industry is a multi million dollar industry but it’s full potential have not been tapped  by the Nigerian community.

Stressing that the challenges that has bedevilled the industry has to do with those heading the agencies. They are supposed to regulate the industry but  don’t really know what to do. They are just politicians and everything they know is politics.


“We need real practitioners. For instance what the President is doing now,if practitioners are heading  the agencies, they understand what it entails and know about the necessary innovations for the development of the industry.

Furthermore, we would be able to tap fully,the potentials of the entertainment industry. Outside this country people are making millions and thousands of dollars from our productions, music,movies but most of those money don’t come to the producers.

“Government should look at how they can make the producers benefit from their creativity. Government should put infrastructures in place so movie practitioners can create wealth in a very good environment.


Agofure  is a renowned movie producer and  have been recognised, by the Champion Newspapers 2023 award winner as a  philanthropist, “Heart of Gold Award’

He understands what the industry entails and the challenges are numerous.There have been several significant changes in the movie industry in recent years, driven by advancements in technology, shifts in consumer behavior, and economic factors. Some of the key changes include:Streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime and Disney has fundamentally changed the way people consume movies. Instead of going to theaters, many consumers now prefer to watch movies at home on their own schedule.

Also, the shift from physical media like DVDs to digital distribution has also had a major impact on the industry. Studios can now release movies online, reaching a wider audience and cutting down on distribution costs.




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